Tuesday, November 21, 2006

About Last Sunday...

I was thinking about last Sunday, and how the day went, and I wanted to relay one story that just capped off my day. In "Sleepless in Seattle", Rosie O'Donnell's character says "you don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie." Isn't that the truth? Don't we all want to be in the middle of a romantic comedy? Instead, I have a pure, where's-the-hidden-camera-type comedy. Sunday afternoon's trip to Starbucks was an example of that:

I go in and, while I wait for my white chocolate mocha, I settle into one of their nice, comfy, purple chairs. A man walks up to me and asks if the seat next to me is taken. Now, in a romantic comedy, he would have asked me if he could take me out to dinner "for as long as we both shall live". (Nod to You've Got Mail...if I'm girling this story up, might as well go all out.)

I get up to get my coffee, and come sit back down, and notice one thing: this guy has nothing Starbucksy with him. Meaning, he didn't buy a drink, or even a water. He's just here for the cushy chairs, which is fine, I guess. But it's what he does have that strikes me as odd. A large Big Gulp, a package of cheese crackers, and a plastic grocery sack. While I'm reliving my day from Hades in my brown journal, he procedes to eat his cheese crackers and giggle uncontrolably. Not kidding. In the time I sat there, he finished his cheese crackers, but his Big Gulp down, and then just sat there, staring into space, and giggling. Uncontrolably. After a few minutes of this and no evidence of candid camera, I had to get up and leave. I told him to have a nice day, and he said the same as he broke back into giggles.

And this is one of the reasons I'm still single...

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