Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dysfunction Junction and Art Therapy

Today has been a doozy, and it's only 4:20. Mother's Day is not turning out how I imagined it, thanks to my stupid dysfunctional family. And a lack of sleep. That never helps anything.
The original plan: church (for me because my parents never seem to be able to make it), and then go to the family casa for lunch. My guitar teacher moved my lesson up in the day so he didn't have to stay in town for no reason. So I only had a limited time with the family.

But that's okay. They decided to go to brunch without me. Yep. I called to tell them I was on my way and they said they'd just gotten back from the IHOP and weren't hungry. Seriously?! They just went without me. Darn them.

That put me in just a peachy mood. But it didn't last long. Because I had a guitar lesson, and although I am far from accomplished at more than two chords, my lesson always seems to put me in a good mood, even when I'm determined (like today) to be in a foul mood. Love my teacher. He picked out a song for me to learn, broke it down so I could understand it, and then bore with me as I dropped my pick twice (once into the guitar itself) and kept getting myself confused. He is a saint with the patience of Job.

And I don't anticipate the mood to last too much longer, even though I have to log some time with the crazy, self-centered family. When I get home, I have some fun arts and crafty-type things to do.
Like taking all of this:

And turning it into this:

(the picture's kind of yucky, but it looks awesome in real life)
And, there's an Office mini-marathon on tonight.
Yeah, this day might turn out okay.

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