Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm sure he just forgot your hut number! Or was eaten by a lion. You guys are awesome!

That's also from "He's Just Not That Into You." And I promise I'll write some more September Stories soon. Like tomorrow soon. I was going to write it tonight, but then LiFE happened.

So, I'd made some decisions about The Boy. And then I went to LiFE groups.

Last night was a YL event, and though I was pretty sure he wasn't going to be there, I had a major panic attack. I had to employ deep breathing techniques, which is something I haven't had to do in a long time. I had myself pretty much convinced that it would be fine because he wouldn't be there, and then he was.

I'd decided even before I walked in the door that I was not there for him, I was there for the kids. I would have to be very careful in my actions to avoid letting anything take me away from my real reason for being there. I was successful in that, and he was there for that reason as well. In the couple of interactions we had there was the typical fun, and I daresay flirting, but nothing out of the ordinary amongst friends. And then he got in his truck and drove away as usual.

Ultimately, I left there feeling that if he wanted to pursue me, he would. I can't make anything happen. I just have to be patient, and if he likes me, he'll make it happen. I can't walk around having massive panic attacks. I can't live in a state of what if? And though I do interpret his actions as interest, I have nothing telling me he's interested. He just may not be that into me. And I have to be okay with that.

And then I go to LiFE groups tonight.

Wendy (the student minister formerly known as MHat) is in my LiFE group, and she asked me about him, and then the rest of the group got involved. I told the rest of the group a brief rundown of the status quo. That's when the advice started coming, and it turned hilarious very quickly. There's one unfortunate male in our gaggle of women- Wendy's husband. So, all eyes turned to him for his advice. He said he's probably intimidated because of the age difference between us- something he's familiar with.

Then, Wendy offers the all-time best advice that I will probably never follow. When she was navigating the dating world, her neighbor that was a boy suggested she go up to her interest and just plant one on him. She feels quite certain that should be my strategy. And while I can't immediately come up with a more fool-proof plan to ascertain his interest-level, I also don't think I have the pair required to follow through with said strategy. She is quite certain I do.

I do agree that I am spontaneous and wild and precious enough to do something like that, however...it ain't happening. Then, because we're a Bible Study after all, she said that she was going to pray that the Holy Spirit would lead me to grow a pair and plant one on him, in the name of Jesus. Okay, well she didn't say it exactly like that, but the words "Holy Spirit" and "a pair" were used in the same statement. At this point, my whole LiFE group is praying for the Holy Spirit move me to walk up to a boy and lay a big, wet one on him.

Even funnier...the teenager's input. Since the general consensus was that upon seeing the boy next I would plant a big juicy kiss on him and then pivot on my heel and walk away, she suggested that I not fall down when I'm walking away because that would take away from the dramatic nature of the gesture. She also suggested that I practice this ahead of time because it's not my strong suit.

As I'm this LiFE group's guide, I'm beginning to wonder what I've been guiding them towards...


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM CDT

    If I had known that's what LiFE groups were like I might have joined one! ;)

  2. Hey...I'm about to update it with one more thing I remembered...I'll tell you about it at dinner tomorrow night!

  3. I'm laughing out loud... And I really think you should do it!



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