Saturday, November 07, 2009

Saturday Secrets

I went to the local bookstore to see if they had this book I've actually already bought but think I gave away to Goodwill. I was fairly sure the B&N wouldn't have it, and I knew better to go in, but I did it anyways. Shortly after entering, I decided to go ahead and pick up my 2010 planner, since I knew what I would be buying and wanted to get it before it ran out. Maybe someday I'll tell you all about my planner fixation. Not today.

See, I stopped at this display about this project called "Post Secret" and it sounded vaguely familiar. So I picked up the book, and remembered what I'd heard about it. A guy named Frank Warren set up this address, and people send postcards with their secrets out into the world. Something that no one else knows. He turned it into books, with images of the actual postcards.

His new book is Confessions on Life, Death, and God. I was perusing it in the B&N when I found secrets like these:
I believe most people don't give Jesus a fair chance to be their friend.
It's not God who doesn't's us.
And finally, the one that made me buy the book:
My dad is my hero. He's dedicated his life to God and his faith, and made me a better person so if there isn't a Heaven, I WILL kick someone's A$$.
I love that, and I love this book. There's a website, too. I'm not posting the link, because they (rightly) don't censor their posts, since they are intended to be revelations of people's big secrets. Some of the postcards have inappropriate words and images, and while I'm no stranger to an inappropriate word here and there (and there and there and there), it's rated a strong R, and I don't want you clicking on it while in the presence of your children or impressionable pets.

But, every Saturday, I'll find some secrets for you and share it. Some will be extremely silly, some will be very serious and will make you think until your brain hurts. After all, that's why I bought the book in the first place.

Here's your secret for today...

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