I'm babysitting until Sunday. Yesterday was the first day.
Today, the honeymoon's over. They're very obedient when I tell them something, but they do try to get away with a bit. They're pretty good kids, though they do watch some questionable television.
At first, when they told me what show they wanted to watch, I thought they were trying to pull one over on me. Then they gave me a pretty accurate synopsis of the last episode, and I knew they'd seen it.
They go to bed early, and I've chosen to make myself go to bed early. There's also an alarming lack of caffiene, so I got the best sleep I've had in many nights last night.
I always wake up a couple of times in the middle of the night, and am delighted to find that it's something like 2 in the morning, leaving hours left to sleep. Last night, I went to bed considerably early, and slept all night. Like a baby. It was very nice. Very nice indeed. When I woke up, it was about 5 minutes before my alarm was to go off.
There's a busy weekend ahead, with pizza night, movie night, a trip to the movie theater to see a movie I'm NOT looking forward to seeing, so I may not be here for a bit.
I get home about 3 minutes before YL starts again, so it may be Tuesday before I get to visit with ya'll again.
But don't worry. I'll be back in the swing of things eventually.
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