And that sentence was:
"Also, I don't think Sayid is the smoke monster because there's not two bodies."
I have a night to myself tonight. It is beautiful. I would like to say that I had grand plans, but that is not true. My one ambition tonight: shave my legs. (Sorry to my male readers. Both of you.)
If you are a reader of the Pioneer Woman, and I know most of you are, you will know that today she posted a picture of the mother of a friend of hers with a rather alarming bruise. And if you are a friend of mine in real life, you know that there is a good chance that I have a story involving a bruise to match that one.
And I do.
I file that bruise under the headings "don't lay down on a boat...ever" and "why I cower in terror when The Uncle drives the boat." Much like PDub's friends' mom, once I got over the initial episode, I had The Aunt take a picture because ya'll- that was one impressive bruise.
It is very lucky for ya'll that my external hard drive (where the picture lives) is not on speaking terms with my laptop, because I would have shown you that picture right now. Because shame? I have none.
I'll be sure to tell my external hard drive you said thank you.
did you need me to send you that picture