It's been a while since I last posted. I ended the school year successfully, and tomorrow I start my summer job. For the third summer in a row, I'll be working at my church as the children's ministry intern. Every year, I joke about being the oldest living intern, so I think this year, they've actually given me a more official title that better reflects my position: summer associate.
Whatever they want to call it, this is the most relaxing time of my year. Yes, it's chaotic, and yes, I'm somewhat involved in church-type politics, which can be taxing on anyone. But it's just a time that I can breathe. Sometimes at school, I just feel like I can't breathe.
I digress. My sister is an official high school graduate. The family came down, and we all went to the super pit for graduation. What self-respecting school names their basketball facility the super pit? One thing's for sure. I will not be attending any UNT basketball games anytime soon. Their seats are so flingin-flangin uncomfortable. The good thing is that my sister and I have different last names, so I was able to sneak out after the c's were called. It was sweet. I felt bad for my friends the Thompson's that had to stay all that time, but that's their cross to bear. We heard Princess' name, let out a weak-at-best woo hoo, and hit the road.
I went to work in my trailer today. I'm out in a portable at school, and lots of our parents are in a huff because we have portables. Would they rather their children be educated in closets? They were putting up such a fuss that I asked my principal if I could have a sign outside that says "God Bless My Double Wide", but he said no. Buzz-kill. My aunt thinks that I should put a dog tied to a chain out there, and maybe some junk. She's pretty cool, my aunt.
Hands down, the funniest thing going on in my life right now is the snake. A little background: I am a scared screamer. If you jump out at me from anywhere, I will scream, and most likely throw up whatever's in my hands into the air. My friend Craig loves to sneak into my classroom and stomp his feet and scare me into saying "Damnit!" However, I've got so much experience being scared that I rarely curse. Rarely.
Anyway...the snake:
Somewhere, Kells Bells and Katybug found a teeny tiny rubber snake. I came home from some evening event and found it gently laying on my bed. Cara fusses at me because I don't play the part, screaming and running from the snake in my bed. Instead, I give it to the scarer and tell her it didn't scare me. One would think that would end the snake antics, but no. It just becomes a challenge. They must find newer and more uniquely challenging places to put the snake. They have been "slithering" down my bathroom door, on nightstands, and yesterday...I got into the act myself. When Kells was showering, the snake flew into the shower. The best part was the dry "that didn't scare me Jennifer" that followed shortly.
Also, Daisy has taken to licking the walls. Don't know what that's about...Cara's just hoping she'll do the baseboards next.
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