Saturday, June 03, 2006

Things I Learned on the Last Day of May

Of course, if weren't so stupid, this would've been posted on the last day of May...

1. Meerkat pups are cute.
2. the men at the Lowe’s in Denton are much cuter and much less weird than the men at the Lowe’s in Lewisville, though the commercial services desk in Lewisville is definitely the superior of the two.
3. Elton John is the godfather to Elizabeth Hurly’s son
4. I like the song “Confidence” by that kid from Love Monkey, and I really like the song “Ever More” by Rob Thomas.
5. I watch too many wedding shows.
6. Harley is just as bad as Rudy.
7. If you want to put together an excessibely random mix of people, go see the matinee of X men 3 on a Tuesday afternoon.
8. if you want to hear ½ of several really good songs, see above.
9. if you look hard enough, and have the help of a determined stranger, you can cind a lid for your drink at Schlotsky’s. Of course, no matter what you try, you can never accurately spell Schlotshky’s.

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