Monday, January 29, 2007

Train Wreck

Alternate Title: ADHD Girl Goes to the Gym

Let me preface this by saying that nowadays, everyone jokes about having ADHD, but I have a doctor's note that says I really have it, as well as a little blue pill that helps me get through the day without hurting myself or others from simply being in constant motion. Let me also add that I'm in between mail-orders for my medicine, so no little blue pill for me this morning. Let me further add that I am in no way coordinated in any way, shape, or form. My coordination errors are legends among my friends and family.

So, I go to the gym. I signed up for the gym yesterday. I used to belong to this gym, but when I moved into an apartment, I decided to quit the gym and use my apartment fitness center, like that was ever going to happen. It didn't. So, I went in yesterday and signed up for the gym.

I packed my bags before I left this morning, so I wouldn't have to come home and could go straight to the gym, but en route to the gym, I realized that I forgot socks, so I had to go back anyways. But then I made it to the parking lot.

Before leaving my car, I pulled two dollars out of my wallet to get a bottle of water. Well, between the car and the gym door entrance, I misplaced the two dollars. Gone. No prob says the guy behind the smoothie counter from which the water will be purchased. Go over to the front desk, and they will charge it to your account.

I go over to the front desk. They can't charge it to my account, because I just got there. So I tell the girl that I will go get the money out of my car, and bring the dollar back in. No problem, except now I've lost my car keys. And I've bumped into something. And someone. So, I can't find my dollar, or my keys, and I'm running into people. Did I mention that my gym lobby is relatively small, and I'm now pretty much making a spectacle of myself. And my keys are right in front of me at the smoothie place. Nice.

I leave the gym and get halfway to the car, when I put my hand in my pocket and discover the dollar there, which I obviously didn't check. At this point, I am the full embodyment of a train wreck.

I managed to get changed into work clothes and onto a treadmill without incident. But I start walking, and jamming out to my iPod, and swinging my arms while I walk just like the old lady power walkers that people make fun of, and I get my arm tangled up in the chord of the earphones and sent the iPod flying almost into the treadmill next to me. Again...nice.

The rest of the workout went pretty much without harm, and I managed to log 45 minutes on the treadmill before my spleen told me it was time to go.

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