Monday, February 05, 2007

Ten Things That Were Delightful About This Weekend

I love lists. I love top ten lists, except on Thursdays, in which I love top thirteen lists. So, without further ado, here is my list of ten things that were delightful about Revo "Lost" weekend at my church.

1. I had ten delightful girls at a delightful house with delightful host parents.
2. We watched High School Musical at midnight on Friday night. I love it that my girls really were so innocent that things like this are still their favorites...well, most of them.
3. The hand motions that go along with "Timmy's" promise to create skits so good they will rock my face off.
4. The pink pig that I got in my leader survival kit.
5. The bright yellow blanket also included in my survival kit.
6. When pranks were verboten, and A still had a six-pack of toilet paper, M became a "sleeping" target.
7. JonMarc Shillington. Delightful. Purely delightful. I heart him!
8. Playing dodgeball with someone I never even thought was aware dodgeball existed.
9. The sight of all of the adults (myself included) involved in a mass exodus when the Christian rap artist took the stage. I turn into a bobblehead doll when I hear that kind of music...or Kevin James from Hitch.
10. The BEST of all: I haven't seen my Swan in about two weeks, which is highly unusual for both of us. When he mentioned that, I made some sort of faux "you wanna do something about it" gesture, and he said "Hug it out." LOVE IT! He's started watching The Office. I heart him, too!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:17 PM CST

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