Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ten Things I Hate (Not About You)

I was going to think of something brilliant to blog about tonight, instead of doing work like I need to. But then, just now, I got the hiccups. I hate the hiccups. So, since brilliance didn't come to me but the hiccups did, I thought I'd list off some things that I hate.

1. the hiccups
2. the fact that I don't know what's going on on Lost (and I've seen every episode this season)
3. that I don't get to marry John Cusak
4. or Michael Buble (the boy can sing)
5. that papers don't grade themselves
6. generic ringtones (and the fact that I can't decide on one I like for my new phone)
7. that my mother is trying to set me up with someone
8. and will only refer to him as "cutie pie"
9. that Lucky Charms is not all marshmallows (who really enjoys the oats?)
10. that I still have the hiccups

What do you hate?


  1. Don't get me started on the generic ringtones. Then again, I've already ranted a bit on those.

    Now I need to figure out how to change the tone on my wife's Crackberry. It hasn't started to really annoy me yet, probably because they're not quite as prominent as Nokias and Motos. But why wait?

  2. Staying up until 2:30AM to watch the 4th overtime of the Stars playoff game only to have them lose. Dangit.

  3. I finally decided on a ringtone this morning, without doing my normal research (yes, I'm a dork). I was highly disappointed once I paid the two fifty for it, but I refuse to turn it back to the generic Cingular tone! I just have to fork over another two fifty to rectify the situation.

    And, Brent, when I heard about the loss this morning on Daybreak, I did actually think to myself "man I'm glad I didn't stay up to watch that!"



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