Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Strange Bedfellows

I need a bigger bed. Since the day after I brought her home,
I have shared my bed with this:

A friend of mine has the most precious wrought iron dogbed, and said I should get one for Daisy Belle too. I thanked her politely and thought "Daisy has a queen-sized bed. What makes you think she's going to downsize?"

Well, now, I not only share my bed with that,
I now share it with this too:
Notice how he takes us most of the bed?! Daisy takes up the top right corner, I take up the top right corner, and he takes up pretty much the whole bottom half of the bed!

Here's a shot of what it looks like
when I get up in the morning:

Daisy's still asleep under the covers in the top right corner. I've never known any other dog that prefers to sleep under the covers. She's quirky, that's for sure.

Of course, that's only for the long-haul night-time sleeping.
When they just need a little snooze in the afternoon
(or the whole day, as in most cases),
they prefer a different exotic locale:

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