Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ten Things

Camp was a great week.
As always, here's my ten things list from camp:
1. When 6th grade boys go flying by your cabin door, followed by 6th grade girls, it's not a good sign, and it more than likely involves a frog.
2. Sixth grade boys (and girls) need a little direction when pulling off a prank so that it does not involve nudity.
3. For your first time to blob, it is not wise to have Mr. Tim as the blobber...
4. Three bottles of water, four Advil, a Mt. Dew, and a Kit-Kat are a sure fire way to head off early morning dehydration.
5. Sixth graders cannot herd goats.
6. I am not a good mailman, photographer, or keeper of earrings.
7. It's Luigi and Guido, not Freedo, which I apparently cannot pronounce.
8. On day 4, at 12:30 in the morning, nothing is funnier than the words "Pit Stop."
9. No one is more excited to see you home than the three dogs, and it takes approximately thrity-five seconds to wind up covered in happy scratches and bulldog hair.
10. This new guy is good stuff, and he's going to take our children's ministry a long way, to some very good places.

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