Sunday, February 03, 2008

Slippery Slope

Today's lesson came, not from the pulpit, but from the railing that lines the steps beside the stage. This railing has always held a special place in my heart.

You see, I am a banister-slider. I know the proper way for a lady in a skirt to elegantly and effortlessly slide, side-saddle, down a banister or railing, and have passed that wisdom down to many generations of young ladies in our church.

Throughout the years I've been here, I've slid almost every Sundar morning, and many a Sunday evening as well. I'm not sure how I missed today's lesson:

If you slide down the railing in a pseudo-silk skirt from Target, even with impeccable form and are going to eat it. Hard. And it won't be pretty.

I was lucky, however. Though my arms and legs went a flailing (I'm not a pretty faller- surprise surprise), at least they didn't get to see London, France, and all that goes with it.

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