Monday, October 13, 2008

Miscellaneous Monday Thoughts

- I really want to cut my hair off. And by cut it off, I mean shoulder length. Soon. It's driving me crazy.

- My head hurts. It typically does on Mondays.

- Every night I bring home this ginormous (though fashionable...thank you Sherry) bag full of things to do. Of course, now that I have internet access, I don't do any of it.

-I'm so excited that Peace Corps Queen watches True Blood! Finally, I have someone to talk to about this!

- I am being transparent here in my attempt to show what a grown up I am: I made myself a doctor's appointment. Without any stalling or forgetting. I am out of one of my meds, and usually it's not too bad, and I get it refilled when I remember. ( people didn't think I was sane did you? Silly rabbits...) I have a few little sad moments, and a tear here and there, but eventually I get around to refilling it and begin to feel better. But the timing of this last ended refill was just right and I had a spectacular meltdown last night. Even as I'm pouring my melodramatic heart into my journal I'm thinking how funny it's going to be when I go back and read these tear-stained pages once I've returned to the land of the rational.

- My doctor moved East, so I have to pick a new one. A friend said the new guy in the practice was good, so I asked for him. This was a smart move. The scheduler asked when I wanted to see him. Tomorrow. What time? sometime after 3. He had a 3, a 3:15, a 3:30, a 3:45, and a 4. And that's just when I stopped her and gave her a time. I like this new doctor thing.

- On a funny note, one of my coworkers (who's 60) said her son (who's 34) is too old to be a groomsman. I told her that she has spoken too soon, because now that she's said that she's totally going to have to be one of my bridesmaids. And since it doesn't look like I'm getting married anytime soon, she's going to be a 70- year old wearing a purple taffeta gown. Because I'm wicked like that!

- Oh man...I found a vintage section of etsy. I am in trouble now.
- I have no idea what I'm wearing to work tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM CDT

    mooching internet girl...what time is TB on Sunday? Watch party at my place or yours? shall we make it pizza sunday? pcq

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM CDT

    nevermind I am a are going to NKOTB...silly brain works only part of the time I feel. :)

  3. I'll be hangin' tough this coming Sunday, but I was thinking about having you over the following Sunday for pizza! That's so funny that you though it too! We're totally on for the next week!

    I'll let you know how NKOTB is!

  4. Oh, and GET A BLOG ALREADY!

    All the cool kids are doing it.
    You know...the ones that go to New Kids on the Block concerts and watch vampire television shows!



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