Thursday, November 06, 2008

Head On Collision

So, I'm pretty surprised about the number of people who were shocked that I stopped for the car accident. Three of them said "yes, but it was...." and "you're a better person than me" I am so surprised, because the thought never crossed my mind not to stop and see if she was okay.

My big-brother Boo (named so for his affinity to scare me by sneaking up on me and screaming "BOO") came into my room today and said "I guess everything turned out alright." When I asked what he meant, he said he saw me on the side of the road yesterday, and even had his blinker on to pull over and see if I needed help, but the cops were there and I wasn't crying so he kept on going. Didn't even know the other teacher was there!

And the real reason I'm writing this: I overheard the teacher involved in the accident talking to students as she passed by my room this morning and telling her students that she was in a head on collision yesterday, and how she almost died. Which explains why she is one of my five least-favorite people in the world...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a FABulous weekend, my adorable blog and your wild and precious friendship! ; )



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