Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Ain't Yer Mamma's Simon Says

So, we're learning about dialogue in fourth grade. And much like the other writing, my kids are not interested. (Which drives this teacher/writer crazy!) So I needed to spice things up.

My kids went through a phase of saying "said Miss O" after everything I said. And by phase, I mean roughly five minutes before it got so annoying I outlawed it. Which leads to today's assignment.

I gave each kid a sentence strip and some macaroni noodles for punctuation. They had to write down one phrase I use and then come up with a different tag than "said." I put them out on the bulletin board for the general public, and now I have them for you:

- “No talking!” yelled Miss O
- “Sit out 5 minutes!” screamed Miss O
- “Be quiet Friends,” demanded Miss O
- “Back in your seats Girls!” called Miss O
- “Don’t shoot baskets” scowled Miss O
- “Uh…NO” shouted Miss O
- “Don’t lean back in your chair!” hissed Miss O
- “Be quiet!” yelled Miss O
- “Don’t touch my stuff!” complained Miss O
- “Do your homework,” yelled Miss O
- “Shoot a basket and 5 minutes” yelled Miss O (They get five minutes off of recess if they shoot a wad of paper at the basket. I had to implement this policy because they are horrible shots and typically tried to do it while I was teaching things like math.)
- “Don’t write on the board!” shouted Miss O
- “F, turn around” croaked Miss O (implicated himself)
- “A...Sit Down!” screamed Miss O (implicated himself)
- “Hello friends!” exclaimed Miss O
- “Don’t lean back in your chair” mumbled Mrs. O (he married me off)
- “Don’t sas me.” Screemed Miss O
- “Walk two laps” yelled Miss O
- “Friend, Stop it!” yelled Miss O

Apparently I yell and scream (or screem) a lot, and occasionally hiss and demand. But I'm thinking that's just because they couldn't use the word "said."

Even funnier, I was going to title this bulletin board "That's What She Said" but felt it might be a smidge inappropriate.


  1. "That's what she said" would be hilarious....but yeah, someone would complain, and my mind always goes to the "wrong" place with that comment anyway.

  2. I just found your blog from Kaleidoscope, and I have something to say (yes, declarative sentence). You're stinkin' ha-larious. I especially appreciate your classroom humor and references to The Office. 'Just thought I'd let you know.



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