Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project: Pull Yourself Together!

It's all about balance. I woke up at 8ish this morning. I didn't get out of bed until roughly 11. Daisy loved it there. I really did it for her. The important thing is what I did after I got up. I have needed to clean my apartment for about, um...forever. I really think part of my exhaustion was from the state of my apartment.
So, here's what I did today. I put the before and after pictures together into one 4 x 6, because I would not want to have to scroll down a zillion pictures. I didn't label them, because it is clear to see which is the before and which is the after! (The bonus is that you get a small tour of my hood.)
My bar is a catch-all. Yes, that's a small Christmas tree plant on the bar. And lipgloss. And an empty purse. And many candles. And cds. And...and...and...

I love love love my "Blessed" sign. I've really been hating the bare over-the-cabinet area, and in a stroke of creative genius, I put it up there. Surrounding it with prettiness and creativity will be the next project!!
This is the small napping couch. My mom recovered the pillows for me. I don't like my two couches, because I bought them well before I had anything resembling style, personal or home-decore.
Notice the bookcase in the corner. At some point, that's going to get a fabulous makeover. I can't wait. I wanted it to get done today, but it just didn't. It was too cold. All I'm gonna say.

If nothing else, my goal for the day was to stop using the dryer as my closet. Quite a bit of clean clothes got folded and sent to their rightful home today.

I'd like to do a bit more with the pantry area and the laundry area. Maybe add a curtain. I saw an idea on Thrifty Chic Decor, and I might try it, because I, too, hate. wire. shelving.

My kitchen sink. One of my big stresses in life is a full kitchen sink. I try to get the sink empty before I go to bed. A kitchen looks much cleaner if the sink is at least empty.
As for the wine bottles. They are both empty, and they are from a while back. I only keep them because I have a glass engraver, and I keep them to practice before I engrave real glass.
My living room. Still hate the couches. Would have liked something red. But that is so far down on the priority list.
Hey. Look at the floor! It's clean. And if you look closely, you'll see the lines that are left behind when you vaccuum. True dat.
I don't think I spelled vaccuum right. Hmm.

This is not the cleanest it's ever been, because it serves as both my dining room and studio. I got the non-dining room/studio items out of there, and straightened up my workspace. I organized a few projects, and now I'm a little clearer creatively.

I have an idea of something different to do with the pictures on the walls. And I should probably take down the "Merry Christmas" banner.

This day could not be possible without the help of my ever-so-cozy bed in which I rested before I got busy, The Learning Channel, which provided hours of background programming including "Countdown to the Crown", hours of "What Not To Wear", and of course, the Miss America pageant, which prompted me to get up and clean something every time someone decided to sing for their talent, and of course, my little dog to, who helped me greatly.

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