Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday night's alright, the hallmark channel, crafts, and lesson plans.

First of all, let me say that yes, right now I am watching Stardust. Again. And "Mail Order Bride" on the Hallmark channel. Again. I'm flipping back and forth. In my defense, it's right at the really good part. Of both.

Just keepin' it real.

I had lots of plans for very crafty things for this weekend. Last night, I got a whim and creative streak at about 8:30, and managed to cross a few things off the crafty list. I made a clock for my aunt's office. I emailed her a picture of it today, which is why I have the picture here, but I'll explain that in a minute. I also seriously battled the chicken wire and got it attached to the ginormous open-back frame that I will be using as my inspiration board. I also started a project that I've been bouncing around in my head for a while...

But I couldn't finish it without a few pictures that I need to get printed, which I can do. I have another idea that I'm DETERMINED to finish. I'd love to show it to you, and show you how I do it. But I won't. Because I can't. My camera is at school. So while I may be crafting, I won't be documenting any of it. Sorry.

Speaking of unconventionally creative, I may not get to the crafting this evening as I was in the middle of planning an oceanic science unit (we're creating our own beach, God help us) when it was time to leave school, and I'm anxious to get back to the planning. And I have 21 endangered animal movie productions to check up on and give feedback on, so that may come first.

It's scheduled to rain again tonight, and if that happens, Miss Daisy and I will most certainly be taking to the bed for the remainder of the evening. Today, when the thunderstorms hit, we were all snuggled up in our seats (as snuggled up as you can be in front of a desk) and it was just perfect. You could hear the children sighing. Or maybe it was just me.

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