Thursday, April 30, 2009

Peace and Calm...and swine flu

I wish I had my camera out here for my picture of the day, but I don't. I'm sitting outside on a park bench at my apartment complex, and Daisy is at my feet letting the wind blow through her hair. Life is just peaceful at this very moment.

Daisy knows that it's a beautiful day, so she's been asking to go out every five minutes, even though the back door is open and available to her. So, this last time, I paused the show I was watching and brought my laptop out here, thinking what a nerd I would be with my dog and my laptop, only to find my neighbor sitting on his porch with his Shih Tzu and laptop typing away.

I have these new neighbors, and I love the whole family. It's a mom and dad, and their two grown sons, though I think only one lives there permanently. He's my new BFF, and the mom is fabulous too. I came home yesterday and he greeted me with "hey, how was your day at school?" and it just made my day. God always takes care of my needs, even the silly girl emotional ones that at times seem ridiculous.

As for the swine flu, I am SO OVER IT. It's all the talk of school, because my fourth graders are SO EDUCATED in current events. We have a school in our distric that's closed, one that's moved prom (which is the one my YL girls would have been going to...can't wait to hear their opinions), and all sorts of other ridiculous ramifications. My belated birthday celebration in my classroom was to be tomorrow, but it's been cancelled until further notice. Seriously? I surely hope it can't be classified as a banquet, so I wouldn't imagine that there's reason to cancel it. I'm just over it.

Okay. This inside girl and her inside dog have had enough. I'm ready to go inside before I start sweating...

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