Thursday, November 26, 2009

We haven't even left for East Texas yet

I have the opportunity to write a little early, as I'm waiting...waiting...waiting for the rest of the family to be ready to go. When I hear "we want to leave by 9," I'm sitting in the car with Starbucks in hand at 8:45. I know it is not possible for the rest of my family to be ready on time, but it is not in me to be late if I can avoid it.

Last night, my mom said that she wanted us all to take a family picture today, so dress nice. I told her that I was wearing a brown sweater and trouser-jeans. As I'm greeting everyone coming out of their rooms all dressed for the Griswold family Thanksgiving that I know is about to ensue, I notice something about every one.

They're all wearing black. In our family photo, I will be wearing brown while the rest of the family is wearing black.

There's so much psychology in that statement. And it's all true.

Stay tuned for more adventures in the great Griswold family Thanksgiving.

And shall we mention the Starbucks for just a minute...I want the world to know that even though I routinely refer to my sister as an idiot, I still gave up my Starbucks for her. That's like, the ultimate sacrifice, if you ask me. See, when I go into Starbucks, they know exactly what I want and have it ready for me when I pay (one of the benefits of going at the same time every week). Today, I thought I'd be nice and bring my sister something, but I didn't know what she'd drink, so I got her a peppermint mocha, because who doesn't like that? Well, she doesn't. I can't begrudge her that, because I didn't ask what she wanted, but she doesn't like peppermint mochas, so I gave up my beloved white mocha for her. And I'll live...just not happily. (Though I will say that when she asked " this nonfat?" I almost accidentally spilled my entire mocha on her head...)

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