Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We've got ANOTHER holiday to worry about. It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.

Tonight, I made apple crisp and watched the new Star Trek and did a little scrap-booking.
I'm watching the recorded episode of Glee and going to read a little bit before bed. Unfortunately, I'm at the point in my book when I can't put it down, so I may be up a while.

I'm getting ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.
I have very strong, unpopular opinions about this holiday. We'll talk about those tomorrow.

I'm also getting ready for tomorrow because I've got quite the situation to deal with. I'm going to East Texas.
I don't know what's going to happen. There's a good probability that at any moment, Jerry Springer himself will show up to mediate.

Don't worry...I'll tell you all about it tomorrow...


  1. Anonymous11:18 PM CST

    You do seriously have a talent for the cliffhanger posts.

    Oh, and Friday night - you wanna hand out at the 7-11 looking depressed? I love Glee.

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM CST

    That was "hang out." My bad. It's past my bedtime.



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