Saturday, January 09, 2010


We just said goodbye to 3650 days. They have been quite a 3650 days.

There are things I want to do this year. Stories I want for my life, if you will.
(Yeah, I read Donald Miller's book and his blog).
A plan is coming together for these stories.

I don't make resolutions, and don't believe in resolutions.
I look instead at life changes.
This year, I found a prayer for the new year- to guide me day-by-day through this life I lead.
But I keep feeling like I need something more.

Albert Einstein famously said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I feel like things as of late have been doing that. I just keep doing the same thing over and over again, and then getting frustrated with the result. I'm seeing this across the board of my life. Family, friends, health, finances...all going in circles and spinning wheels.

So I've got something in mind, and I'm putting it together tomorrow. I started thinking about it on the drive home from ice skating and while watching the football game. (I get so very much accomplished during football games.)

I'd tell you all about it tonight, but it's taking a little bit longer than I thought it would.

So, until tomorrow...

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