Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'

First of all, there is a new movie on the Hallmark Channel this evening, in which a woman fulfills her dream and opens herself up to love, based on the commercials. It's going to take all the willpower I have not to watch it.

Second, I must say that sometimes, a girl's got to do a little bragging. Like today, for instance.

I spent my entire monthly clothes budget in one afternoon of shopping at Old Navy.

Before you chastise me for unwise spending, let's discuss what I got for my money.

Total money spent: $38.00
Dress- $29.50. I spent $4.24
Dress- $29.50  I spent $3.28
Shirt- $24.50   me: $4.98
Shirt- $24.50   me: $4.24
Shirt- $26.50   me: $4.24
Pants- $29.50  me: $5.99
Pants- $29.50  me: $5.99
Pants- $29.50  me: $1.47

Original total: $223.00
I paid: $38.00 (or 17% of original price)

Why don't I ever pay full price for clothes?
Because I don't ever have to.

I am a retail ninja.

1 comment:

  1. I bow down to your greatness. Well I would if I truly believed in that.



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