Sunday, February 28, 2010

A few miscellaneous items before we get back to business

I've been on an unintentional blogging hiatus since about Wednesday. Just wasn't feelin' it. I'm trying not to write junk for the purpose of writing every day. I've got some things bouncing around my brain, as previously mentioned.

Until then, here's a few miscellaneous items to deal with before we dive into some of the heavy stuff.

- My electric bill is back to normal. I've frozen myself silly this month for fear of another large bill, since we've had some cold weather and my heater is electric. Maybe you've heard.

- The Love Saga was on Hallmark channel this weekend. And, yes, I watched a good bit of it. I did laundry while I watched, so it wasn't a total waste.

- I went to Starbucks today. Sweet, glorious Starbucks. After almost two weeks without it, I may have whispered my undying love for it and promised to come back again next Sunday when my Lent rules would allow.

- My mother called yesterday, and apparently the man at Sears told her that President Obama was on the television saying that a huge tsunami was about to wipe out all of Hawaii. After I turned on the major networks and discovered the Olympics, an infomercial, and a Disney movie, I realized that maybe I was talking to one of my fourth graders.

- After all the sitting on babies that I'd been doing, I haven't made it to worship in a while. This morning was beautiful and left me wondering how people can go only go to church every so often. They're missing out on so very much.

- I think I might be getting my hard drive back in order soon, so I get my music back. It's been out of commission since about forever, and I neeeeeeeeed my music back. I've missed quite a bunch. Any good suggestions for new music?

That's all for now. Maybe some more substantial posts.

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