Thursday, March 04, 2010

Okay, let me just tell you, if we were having this argument in my native language, I'd be kicking your butt

Firstly, I bought some of the fancy wipes for computer screens at the Walmart today. Best $1.50 I've spent in a while.

Secondly, when I went to the Target today to get something, the cashier asked me when I was due. I gently explained I wasn't, and then made small talk with the cashier about her sister's new baby.

Thirdly, I'm putting off the emotional-rollercoaster-ending-in-pure-teenaged-angst story until tomorrow. I'm on an uphill portion of the track and I'm not ready to go sailing downward right now.

Fourthly, I got my music back last night, and I am in pure heaven. I brought it to work with me, and my kids have joined me there. Because yesterday was the big test, today and tomorrow are a bit flexible in the educational department. Open House is next week, so we picked these two days to do all the artsy-craftsy projects that need to be done. Because our kids need a break.

So, with the music playing this morning, I pulled out the watercolors and let the fun begin. They really did well, and had some very interesting conversations. At one point, we had two very heated discussions regarding the merits of verizon fios versus directv, and another one debating the cell phone plans differences between at & t and sprint. They went so far as to discuss the different family plans. They are hysterical.

And we may have dabbled in a little Greek today.

My kids mentioned the Clash of the Titans, and I mentioned that I saw the original movie. Then, they got into discussions about the gods vs. the Titans, etc. They were talking about one of the monsters, and one of them asked me how to pronounce the name of the monster.

I had them spell it for me on the board, and I broke down the Greek so I could figure out how to pronounce it. I threw up a few Greek letters on the board, to show them why the "ch" is pronounced with a hard "k" sound. My kids immediately started begging me to teach them Greek.

As I'm walking away, I hear one kid whisper to another "Man...she's really smart!"

Then, I got assaulted at recess. "Can you teach me pig latin?!"

Of course, I replied "Oh-nay."

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