Just a random title for the random musings going on inside of my noggin.
- All of my summer shows that are set in Florida are using a hurricane as a subplot. I'm loving it, and actually missing hurricane season in Florida. It was always fun to be tied to the television, waiting to see if it would head our way, waiting to hear if we got off school or not... I loved hurricane season.
- I sent the following text to The BFF on Friday: "I am watching Oprah's show on hoarders and the Clean House show on the messiest home. You would think it would make me get up and clean my apartment but it does not. " Do with that what you will.
- One of my bestest and dearest teenager friends had her boyfriend break up with her after three and a half years. Over a text message. He is also a very close bestest and dearest friend of mine as well. This provides for a tricky situation. I have only one option. Pray for them both, most specifically Him, and be there for them both. In different ways. Very different ways. Such it is.
- Bobby Bowden was on one of my favorite shows. I really thought about changing the channel. Luckily, it was only a minute or so or I would have had to change the channel. I do.not.like. the Bowden family. At.all.
- I love the new DirecTV NFL commercials, with the rivalries. hi.larious.
** and before you think all I do is watch tv (which is partially true), understand that just two short weeks from now I will be watching limited television as I come home from a day of teaching and go to bed before 8pm. And that is not an exaggeration.
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