Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The beauty of a day off

Yesterday, I had the day off.

Not just the weather outside, but having a whole day of no expectations. A BBQ at 6pm, but the day looming before it with no appointments and responsibilities.

The only person not pleased when I have a day off: The Shih Tzu. Daisy hates it when I have the day off, because I throw her whole schedule off. Typically, she waits until I leave, then goes back to sleep for what I imagine is about 7-8 hours while I am gone. Uninterrupted sleep. Not so much when I'm home. (Though she didn't complain when I shared the leftovers of my mac-n-cheese lunch with her).

I chose not to sleep late, because if I slept to 8 or 9, I'd really regret the morning after. Now, that doesn't mean I did anything worthwhile before 9am, except for a shower and an appointment with a bowl of Lucky Charms.

Then, I made a quick trip to the grocery store to get that out of the way before the big challenge of the day: cleaning my apartment. For background noise/inspiration, I turned on the A & E marathon day of "Hoarders". Wow. Talk about inspiration.

Got the living room clean, got the kitchen clean, got the bathroom clean, got the bedroom clean.
(Let's not talk about the closet or the patio, k?)
Got my lesson plans done for two weeks, and planned most of my science unit.
Made a list of other things that need to be done around this place, including some creative projects that I need to make some decisions on.

I hate working well into June, but I do love having a day off once a month. Just to reset my life.

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