Saturday, October 02, 2010

I have taken responsibility

I am pleased to report that I have taken responsibility for my hair, with great success. Two good hair days in a row. Which is good, seeing as Wednesday was picture day.

And I should have very good hair, with the help of these things.

I've used the big red hair bottle before. It was a time in which I had consistant good hair... great hair at times.

But then, the big red hair bottle ran out. And since the big red hair bottle cost $18, I did not buy another one. That was a while ago, and I have used the traditional mousse and gotten some decent results. I bit the bullet and bought the red hair bottle and have since remembered why it was so important and vowed to always pay the $18 dollars for good hair.

In other news, this morning I slept in good and late, and then decided that I would not wear make up or dry my hair today. That led to me going to a completely different town to check out the HobLob and ON and Kirkland's. To guarantee that I wouldn't run into anyone I know.

It's not easy being a local celebrity, you know. Yes, I understand that my adoring fans are all under 15, but that's not the point. When I go places with The Dad, and we run into someone I know, as we walk away, he says "school or church?"

In the end, my trek was rewarded. At the ON, I got four skirts, a pair of pants and a pair of leggings for $23. And at Kirklands, I bought the first Christmas present of the season.

The force is still strong in this one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:10 PM CDT

    You went to Denton? You know you could've run into me there. But then again, I didn't blow dry my hair either.



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