I am pleased to report that I have taken responsibility for my hair, with great success. Two good hair days in a row. Which is good, seeing as Wednesday was picture day.
And I should have very good hair, with the help of these things.
I've used the big red hair bottle before. It was a time in which I had consistant good hair... great hair at times.
But then, the big red hair bottle ran out. And since the big red hair bottle cost $18, I did not buy another one. That was a while ago, and I have used the traditional mousse and gotten some decent results. I bit the bullet and bought the red hair bottle and have since remembered why it was so important and vowed to always pay the $18 dollars for good hair.
In other news, this morning I slept in good and late, and then decided that I would not wear make up or dry my hair today. That led to me going to a completely different town to check out the HobLob and ON and Kirkland's. To guarantee that I wouldn't run into anyone I know.
It's not easy being a local celebrity, you know. Yes, I understand that my adoring fans are all under 15, but that's not the point. When I go places with The Dad, and we run into someone I know, as we walk away, he says "school or church?"
In the end, my trek was rewarded. At the ON, I got four skirts, a pair of pants and a pair of leggings for $23. And at Kirklands, I bought the first Christmas present of the season.
The force is still strong in this one.
You went to Denton? You know you could've run into me there. But then again, I didn't blow dry my hair either.