Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Snowmageddon 2001. Or, I may need a snow day intervention.

It is 11:01 pm.
At about 9:30, I realized it was, indeed, 9:30, and normally I would be getting ready for bed if not already asleep. At this very moment, I can hear my dog snoring from the other room. Seriously.

Snow days totally jack with my sense of being.
I am out of routine. The only normal things about my day today were breakfast ('They're always after me Lucky Charms') and my morning snack of cheese and pretzel crisps (my students would be proud of that.)

I have gotten some work done. Not nearly enough, but let me tell you how quickly productivity skidded to a halt when I discovered tomorrow would be a snow day as well.

I sent a text to the BFF and asked: "What's the policy on snow days and showers?"
To which she replied "only for heat."
She always, always has the right answers.

It's 11:01 pm, and I haven't showered today. I've only left the house to go to the business center (while my interwebs were actually working- funny God. Real funny) and to get the mail. Both times, it required me to put on roughly every piece of clothing I own. Thermal shirt, fleece pullover, pajama bottoms (yes, I'm still wearing them- don't judge), fleece pants over those, long socks, fleece-lined crocs, gloves, hat, and warmest scarf I own.

Just to get the mail. The only reason I got out to get the mail was because on a whim I decided to do my taxes and realized I am missing one critical piece of paperwork and since the mailmen work on days like this I was quite certain it would be there. I was wrong.

It's 11:08pm, and I'm still wearing two pairs of pants, one on top of the other.
I've taken about 8,000,007 pictures of my dog today. I'll probably intermingle them in this post because I've got nothing better to do with them, but I can't stop taking them.

I've played Angry Birds So much so that I've had to recharge the iTouch.
Twice. I'm only five levels away from having three stars on all of the Christmas levels. My nerd card has clearly been renewed.
When I'm not playing Angry Birds, I'm watching the news like a junkie. I even texted The Aunt about the news guy that got stuck in traffic.

I'm not sure I can handle another snow day, and we've got at least one more, if not two.

I may need an intervention.


  1. You're too funny...I can't take it! PS- where in TX are you at now? I was thinking about going to Houston some time this spring...

  2. I'm up near Dallas... just a bit north.

    Loved the story about the preschoolers. My classroom is directly across the hall from our special ed preschool classroom, and I've simply trained my kids to get up and shut the door if they're bothered by the screaming hissy-fits that the kids throw, because they are four. And then we all look at each other and say "well, someone didn't want to come to school today!"

    And we move on.

  3. Well, that lady is not a teacher. She's in the office and she's worked there for like 30 years next to the same I don't know. Maybe she's ready to retire!

    Both my uncles live in Dallas! I really need to get to Texas soon! I'll let you know if I do!



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