I'm in the process of taking the other 40% and bagging it up and piling it by the door.
Not that I'm in a hurry or anything.
I started Operation Reclaim My Apartment with the kitchen, and then immediately stripped the sheets. It's gonna be Move Out Day and Clean Sheet Night. Walking on the wild side.
The day did not, however, start out how I'd planned. I got to sleep in, and stay in bed for a few precious moments. Then, it was time to take Daisy to the groomer. Her flamboyant boyfriend/groomer was all too excited to see her, and since it was Move Out Day, I decided to take her some coffee, since I was also getting me some coffee. I took it to her at the storage unit.
You should know that my sister has zero patience on the good days, much less the days when she's stressed out.
We had to go get the movers from outside of the gated community, and we had the following conversation.
Sister: You have to pull up to that box and put in the code.
Me: I know.
Sister: Over there. Pull up over there. (It should be noted that at this point, we had traveled approximately three feet since she told me to pull up to the box.)
Me: Mm-hmm.
Sister: Roll down your window.
Me: Really? I was just going to enter the code with my mind.
Sister: Clicks tongue and rolls eyes. Now go around that corner back to my storage unit.
Me: You mean go to the place we just came from? I'm sure glad you're here to guide me.
Then, when we did come around the corner, my parents were there. Actually, my mother was coming towards me with a chair. She was going to try to get two chairs and a table in the back of her Chevy sedan.
So, ultimately, I ended up staying longer than the imagined dropping off of coffee and heading back to my warm couch and my beloved College GameDay.
All-in-all, though, it was a good day. It was cloudy and chilly all day, I got a nap, and most importantly, my Gators beat LSU.
It was a good day.
Now it's just time to move on to that 40%.
My instagram for today...
(The girl that puts this together is from Australia, and I think it might be Thanksgiving there. Or in Canada. Or something like that...)
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