Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Currently...preparing for December Daily

I've been getting ready for December Daily. This year, I've been a smidge obsessed with this project, and have SO many ideas buzzing around my head. I thought I'd be babysitting the first of December, so I planned on jumping right into that project. 

Instead, I have a last free weekend before the Christmas crazy begins. I'm going to start it off with decorations from around the house and just a little info about what's going on around me and in my life right now as we start this Deecember

I'm going to turn this into a journaling page for one of the beginning days. (One thing I've learned with December Daily and life in general is that my overall plan for things is not necessarily how they play out.) 

drinking lots of cherry coke zero, white chocolate mochas, and ginger ale

eating protein, tuna for lunch, and, as always, CFA

writing blog posts, emails left and right, tweets, and the occasional FB post... not much else

waiting for a few goodies that I've ordered from the interwebs, some ideas for a few Christmas gifts, and, as always, waiting for Mr. Right.

trying to get a good picture of my dog in front of the tree with bokeh and other craftsy photographsy things

re-organizing my apartment to house my Christmas decorations

getting excited for 2013 project life. I've ordered page protectors, have the binder, and am waiting to be able to order the Seafoam kit online

wishing that I didn't have to get up so very early every morning.

dreaming of a white Christmas and a kiss on New Year's Eve. I doubt either will happen. It is what it is.

wondering what this season will hold. Will it snow? Will I have spontaneous adventures? What will Christmas look like this year?

listening to Charlie Brown Christmas in the classroom. I love it, the kids love it, and I love that the kids love it. 

loving that the kids are all talking about their Elves on their Shelves. For these kids on the brink of growing up, it's so sweet to hear them in their innocence. 

so happy that we had a peaceful Thanksgiving, and things are going relatively smoothly in and around the classroom. 

needing to go to bed, especially since I've been whining about how tired I am. 

shopping online some, in stores some, and for myself too much.

watching Bones, Elementary, Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Haven,  Ice Loves Coco, quality television...

learning a few digital techniques, like how to make your own layered template

thinking about what Christmas means and how I can honor and celebrate it. (And also about some things at work...)

looking tired lately. Can't figure out why, but the bags are under my eyeballs a lot more lately 

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