Saturday, December 01, 2012

December 1

It's a few minutes before December 2nd as I'm posting this. Sigh.
I'm not going into too many words about this... here's the page.
(They will not all be this elaborate).

 First off, I included part of the page from last year's album that I just loved.

Here's the other side of last year's page.
Here's the bookmark I use to mark the date.
The back, with what's happening currently.

I've added an insert with instagram-ish shots of  decor
The back of the insert is a cut-up shot of my mantle, which is my pride and joy this season.

My focus picture for the day... my tree. Love my tree.


  1. Love love love!!! The layering is awesome. I want mine to look like this!

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM CST

    Beautiful work!

  3. Looks great, love the collage.

    YOur Christmas tree is beautiful :)

  4. Your tree is gorgeous!! I love how detailed this is! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I love all the different layers and inserts - so pretty to look at!

  6. Could you tell me where you bought the insert you use for photos?

    1. surprisingly enough, I got them at Hobby Lobby. They are coin collector page protectors that I cut down!



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