Saturday, February 02, 2013

Project Life {week 4}

Four weeks in and I am still loving this project. I'm keeping up to date, and other than a few picture snafus at the Wal-Marts, it's been relatively easy.

I've also found it's relatively easy to fill up a week, even though I'm single without children. I'm still focusing on telling my stories and documenting my life right now. And it's working.

Here's week four:
Lots of blurring this week because I included things from my classroom and pictures from WL

It was very interesting this week to document the global news with the Inauguration, and the tiny, small news within the tiny little sphere of my classroom.

Left side:
Inauguration and lots of classroom documentation
Monday we had the day off for MLK day, and I headed to Starbucks to grade papers and watch the inauguration on my laptop. Tuesday was a big class day, with meetings (brutal meetings) and a new system in the classroom that runs off of my phone. The kids LOVE it. It was our turn to say the pledge, so I took our picture and wrote the pledge of allegiance over it.

Right side:
documenting a conversation, including Daisy, and a wyldlife weekend
I love my Wednesday Night dinner crew, and this week, J's little man got a hold of her phone and sent me a text. I included a screenshot and a little of the conversations. Daisy's story is about our mutual Chick Fil A routines, and I had to include the part where I came home from Target with everything but the nail polish that I went to get. The quote is from Wyldlife Club that I wanted very much to say all. day. long.

I love how this project is going, and am excited that February is here. I'm ready for a new month!


  1. Great pages! (And you used my MLK & Inauguration freebies! I've not seen them "in the wild" so that just made my morning!) :)

    1. Thanks so much for creating them! I was really struggling in trying to figure out how to document the inauguration, and then I found them and they were just what I was looking for!

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM CST

    You did an amazing job capturing the great everyday details that we all cherish. I love your quote and the story about Target. I do that far too often!

  3. Love the card with the green alphas! great pages!

  4. Anonymous4:18 PM CST

    Great pages! I am cracking up over the Target thing - we have to drive over an hour to get to Target so I make sure I am going for more than one thing.

  5. Wonderful layout. That's usually my Target story too. I always seem to end up with more than I went in for...and always forget something I meant to get. Sigh.
    The text is adorable.



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