Tuesday, March 19, 2013

project life {week 8}

This was the second week I've used an insert, and after this week- I might be addicted.
I have a problem with inserts. Spring Break- four inserts.

Before I get to that... let's get week 8 out of the way.

Full page spread:

For the insert, I just ended up taking pictures of my life at school. A ginormous stack of papers. My morning message to the kids on the board. My crazy messy desk command center. Something precious my kids did for me (blurred to protect the innocent) and a gift from my secret pal. Just the everyday parts of my life.

Close ups:
Left side:

I was a little all over the place this week. I documented the weather, with a quote:
Texas has 2 seasons: winter and summer. They usually happen in the same week. 
I also included a picture of my lunch, because as a teacher, I never get to have lunch on a plate at an actual restaurant, unless an inservice day is involved. I also finally did a little more baking that didn't end in failure, and I just love love love my new mixing bowls from Christmas.

Right side:

Thursday: KC and I and a friend went to Bunco.
Friday night: Wyldlife at Cosmic Jump
Saturday night: Derby (Roller, not Kentucky).
Sunday: Oscars. Loved documenting the winners.

Also documented:
cute picture of my dog, new bedtime routine (audiobook), and the part where I dropped my iPhone into my dog's water dish.

That white space? I have a picture of me and Reckless in her derby paraphernalia, with part of the program that has her name on it. Did I leave it off for privacy? Not so much. I just was including something on the back and I forgot to put it back in the spread.

Such is {project} life.


  1. What were you putting on the back? I'm too curious. Hopefully not the score... :(

  2. No worries! It was something narcissistic like a picture of myself.



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