Monday, June 10, 2013

Ten on the Tenth

I've been meaning to do this every month for eleventy billion months.

And I usually remember I want to do it on the eleventh of the month. Sometimes the twelfth.

But today, I remembered! Yay for summer and having a brain back!

I also want to branch out a little this summer and document more of my life that doesn't revolve around a classroom. Stay tuned for a Summer Manifesto coming soon...

For today, here are ten pictures of ten things I'm doing on the tenth day of June:
(I'll update as the day goes on...)

8:15ish: checking on the plants
9:15ish: at my desk, getting some VBS work done
10:15ish: Jimmy Johns brought by some samples
11:15ish: the Google drawing page- a personal favorite
12:15ish: lunch at Subway
1:15ish: searching the portable for goodies for tomorrow
2:15ish: in a closed-door meeting- no pic
3:15ish (heavy on the ish) a snack while running errands
4:15ish: laundry catch up
5:15ish: my snuggle buddy for watching the news
6:15ish: a easy go-to for dinner: steak bites and feta cheese. yum.

And as I'm perusing the interwebs, I found this little gem. I know I own the awesomest dog on the planet, but if I could teach her this, we would be gold.
(P.S. headphones on if you're watching around littles... I'd obviously choose a more appropriate song for Daisy. And yes, I already know what that song is...)

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