Saturday, November 09, 2013

Thankful, part 1

Novembers are always interesting months. People try to write the great novel, men don't shave (I'm pretty sure some women don't either), and the FB lights up with all the things people are thankful for. If you're not sure what day of the month it is, hop on the FB and see who's thankful for what on Day Nine.

I don't mean to make light of it, but (at the risk of sounding cliche) I try to find the little things to be thankful for every day, even in the days that aren't in November. And so, I don't participate in the FB (mostly because I work hard not to live my life on the FB), but I have spent this month thinking a little bit each day about the highlights.

Last year, I read along with CZ's Thirty Days of Thankful project, and I loved it. This year, she mentioned it a few weeks ago, and I got right on board. Because of my lifestyle (single and childless), most people's 1-5 don't apply to me. And I'm pretty quirky to begin with, so even if it did, my list would probably be unlike many others anyways.

I am working in a SNAP album, of which I now own three and almost bought a fourth at the HobLob today. I'm sticking to page protecters that have a 2"strip down the side (that will hold the day number) and 2 4"squares. One for the picture, and one for the journaling. I may never get the thing put together (which is an upcoming post itself), but I've at least got the pictures for days 1-9 uploaded and ready to share. With you.

Day One:
Kids that care and bank ledgers that balance

Day Two:
Red cup, open road, good friends, and the perfect fall Saturday

Day Three:
Daylight Saving Time and Sunday Snuggles

Day Four:
Oven mitts and cats that don't attack

Day Five:
Best friends that understand what's important.

Day Six:
Kiddos who help me express my feelings through erasers.
(The other side is a frowny face, if I need it.)

Day Seven:
After hours doctors' offices and kids that play tag

Day Eight:
Substitutes that take jobs, and days off to rest (even if they're forced)

Day Nine:
Besties that meet you at the HobLob and precious little ringlet-headed girls that want to ride in the cart.
*picture not included, because- duh… she's so cute someone will want to steal her. Like me…*

And since it's Saturday, here's a few other things I'm thankful I've for today:

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