Thursday, January 08, 2015

Thoughts on a Thursday Night

- I have not watched television this week, save the 5-6 hour for news. I think I'm going to make this a new thing.

- I may not get to have a husband or children, but sometimes, I do get to put my pj's on and call it a night at 6pm without having to answer to anyone.

- Getting up at 5:30 am is not any easier when you've gone to bed at 6pm.

- I went to LBB for Christmas, which means I got the sinus gunk and the asthma again. I'm still feeling the residuals of that, and some interesting stuff is coming out of my nose.

- Sometimes magic shows up in the form of a laminator that is ready to go when you get to the copy room.

- I'm pretty sure I'm losing my ever-loving mind lately. I've lost an important paper, a gift card from Christmas, and forgotten a few things, and none of those things are anything like me at all.

- Last night, I wrote the following in my journal:
I dropped a Chick-Fil-A french fry on my floorboard and found the credit card I lost last week. I wish that sentence didn't sum up my life as accurately as it really does. 
- I got my mom a Fitbit for Christmas, and she was so excited because she could compete with me for steps. Once again she has no idea what teachers do, because one thing I do is log 10,000 steps almost every day, just on a normal teaching day. I've not worn it for four different days, and I'm still 5,000 steps ahead of her.

- I stepped on the scale yesterday and was down 14 pounds. From the night before. Turns out one corner was on a towel on the floor. But it was nice to see the number nonetheless.

- My hair dryer stopped blowing heat this week. Unfortunately, 5:45 in the morning is not when you tend to retain information, until the next morning at 5:45 am.

- My hair dryer still blows air, and gets my hair dry, but it's a frizzy mess now, which leads to me having to fix it every morning. But now I've found a way to fix it that I really like, and that lends itself to me wearing my hair down much more all day, so I may go with it.

- I wish I could go to bed at 6pm every night.

1 comment:

  1. i wish there was a "like" button for blogs - i would definitely "like" your journal entry as well as the scale entry!!! well, & the hair dryer entries. so, let's just say this whole thing. i like this whole thing ... cause i can identify with so many!! thanks for sharing!!



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