Monday, January 30, 2006


This weekend, I was part of a weekend-long student group activity known as Revolution, or REVO for short. I had a wonderful, wonderful time, and in true fashion, left Sunday afternoon needing lots of Advil and lots of sleep. The theme for the weekend was:

The weekend went great. I had a group of girls that were was wonderful! We even had a little sneaky, but well-thought-out-and-mutually-agreed-upon (sort of) fun! Thanks to Casey and Chad, I had to take a third shower Saturday at midnight! If/As I get pictures, I'll try to post them.

I read a very interesting article today that I think others should read. I've been mildly interested in all of the Kabbalah and Scientology stuff with the different celebrities touting them, and I came across this article. I'd encourage everyone to read it.

Okay, so the time has come (again) for me to get serious. I've sworn off sodas and caffiene for the umpteen millionth time, and I've gotten some fruits, veggies, and fish to eat instead of always going out. Of course, since I hate seafood, by fish I mean a can of tuna. Gotta start somewhere, right?

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