Saturday, January 20, 2007

Love, Joy, and Possibly Benjamin Franklin

One of the reasons I love hanging with kids, when we were talking about heaven, and the different treasures there, and the speaker asked what we'd find when we got to heaven, and after the standard "God" and "Jesus" answers, a kid raised his hand in all seriousness and said "Benjamin Franklin." I have to give the speaker props, though, because she did a great job of redirecting the kid. But it was pretty funny. Of course, it may have only been funny because none of us got more than 5 hours of sleep. Maybe it was that.

The funniest of all was coming home, and watching my dog run to greet me, and then asking the girls "why is she orange?" Apparently there was a Cheeto incident while I was away that left my Daisy Belle with a slight orange twinge. Oh well.

update: After speaking to other members of the family, it turns out it was not a Cheeto incident. My uncle sat down with a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and when he got up to get something, Daisy helped herself. I was also told that last night, she and Elvis shared a bean burrito from Taco Bell. Katybug said "at least she eats well..."


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM CST

    Is "your church" southern baptist? or ??? i'm not sure what the difference is, but we may visit.

  2. I'm pretty sure we're "Southern Baptist." I know there's lots of different controversy between the convention and other issues, and to be honest, I don't pay attention to a lot of it. We'd love to have you. If you'd like to let me know when you're planning your visit, I can meet you and let you know what's going on that might interest you.

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM CST

    well, i guess i'm thinking, as far as issues go. I drink. not very often, mind you. but i drink. considering "sin" there are other sins i deal with just in my own heart and mind that i don't even parallel with my occasional glass of wine or margarita. maybe i should, but right now, theres no real conviction. some churches (baptists-in most of my experience) do not "allow" or condone or have an unspoken rule or spoken rule...whatever...against "drinking" . I can appreciate that, really. And I don't have an issue with a church that has that as a policy or whatever, I just don't know if that church would be for me. hope that makes some bit of sense.

  4. I think I get it. We're not THAT Southern Baptist. My favorite night of the week is Bubbly Thursday, when I have a glass of wine and watch my favorite TV show. We may have a policy on the books, for weddings and such, but the feeling I get is that it's left to be a personal issue. That's one of the things I love about my church. No one is free of sin. Above all else, we're all sinners, and we all deal with different issues, and no one is better than anyone else. Yes, we will have people that think they are holier-than-thou, etc...but that's going to happen with any congregation. I understand the trepidation, though. I have been to churches that project that kind of image, and couldn't even make it through the sermon. You might want to try our 11:11 service. It's the newer one that I like better than our traditional service.

  5. Anonymous9:07 PM CST

    you've been most helpful and sounds like a visit is in order. thanks for your time.



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