Saturday, January 13, 2007

One Hour and Twenty Minutes With Katybug

Today was how a Saturday should be spent. I got up and went with Cara to take the girls to dance, and then came home and did nothing for many many hours. It was an ice day, so that was my excuse.

At around 4ish, I was heading to Target, and Katybug needed to go with me. Were you one of the many millions of people at Target? If you were, you saw me there, and it was quite evident by my appearance that I had just changed out of my pjs and stumbled into sweats. I was a vision. We had many different conversations as we were wandering around, some of which were:
"Why do you need new church shoes?"
"I don't have any."
"You live in a family full of Baptists, and you have no church shoes? I find that very hard to believe."

"Why can't I ride on the buggy?"
"Ms. Debbie let me ride on the buggy."
"Well, Ms. Debbie's obviously cooler than me."
"She let four of us ride on the buggy while she pushed."
"Then Ms. Debbie is cooler than me AND she has more upper body strength."

and then, the poor girl remembers she is out with a second grade teacher when she has to participate in this conversation:
"Look at the Little Caesars...the windows are fogged up."
"Yes, Katybug. It's warm in there and very cold out here. What happens to the water vapor when it is in warm air and it meets colder air?"
"What do you mean?"
"Think back to the water happens to the water droplets when they are in warm air that meets cold air?"
"I dunno?"
"Condensation! Don't you learn about the water cycle?"
"I'm putting on my iPod."
to borrow a quote from the Professor in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, "What are they teaching children in school?"

Have a sweet ice weekend.
P.S. It was all I could do not to title this post "Ice, Ice Baby"

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