Monday, April 09, 2007

You Complete Me

I couldn't throw out my views on completeness if I didn't use the cheeeeesy line from Jerry McGuire. I'd be breaking the laws of the Geneva convention or something important like that. (And again: my disclaimer. I am not theologian, and I only speak from experience, and I could be way off base, and more than likely God and Jesus and the Spirit are up there having a good laugh at me, whether it be for my thoughts on this matter or for some other laughable part of my thought processes).

That said... Another true but often confusing thing about being single: We are to be complete in Christ. Complete without our significant other. But at the same time, there's that part in Genesis that says that it is not good for man to be alone so He created Eve for Adam. Conflicting messages.

Here's how I make sense of it all: Christ died on the cross for our sins. He paid the price for us. Fundamentally, we need Christ and that is all. Jim Elliot said something along the lines of the fact that we put our whole eternity in His trust, so why do we worry about anything else? He has made everything right for us. So, as Christians, in that respect, we are complete in Christ.

But what were we created for, and what about Adam and Eve, and what does that have to do with completeness? God created us to worship and glorify Him. Worship can most certainly be done alone, and often is. Glorifying Him almost shouldn't be done alone.

He created me, and a relationship that He puts together and blesses will glorify Him, and in that I find my completion. My completion comes, not in a mate, but in being in a God-glorifying relationship, be it with a romantic partner, or teaching a new game to my AWANA kids, or sitting in a car with my senior girls discussing that very thing- relationships.

Like the "remaining single" thing, the "complete" thing is often misunderstood. There's 'complete' as in 'whole', and that's true of Christ. He resolved everything for us when He died on the cross. But the 'complete' that is 'fulfilling it's purpose', that's done when we're in God-glorifying relationships. As singles, we should have those relationships outside of romantic relationships, or we aren't really fulfilling our purpose.

Of course, one of the most prominent God-glorifying relationships is that of the marraige relationship, because God used that metaphor to show the relationship between Jesus and the Church. I think that's why we long for it so much.

And, again. I could be all wrong. Just my thoughts...


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this stuff. Thanks for posting it :-)

  2. No problem. I think that's also one of the downfalls of being single. We think we're the only ones having to go through it. Being single is such a solitary thing (thus the name single...)that we often don't get to talk about this stuff. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one!



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