Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am a rock star. (Reason #476)

I remembered at 8:44 tonight that I promised my kiddos tomorrow that I would show them Charlotte's Web after their test. Charlotte's Web movie that I don't own. And my favoritest tv show is on at 9:00. What's a girl to do?

I typically run my last-minute classroom errands in the morning before I go to work, but there isn't anywhere that sells that DVDs. So it looked like my only options were to miss the first part of my show (the reasonable answer) or wait until the show is over and go at 10pm, even though I haven't finished my Jeopardy review or my sub plans for Friday.

So, I grabbed the dog and the first shoes I could find, and headed out the door. I got in the car at 8:47. Made it to the Blockbuster, returned Iron Man, found Charlotte's Web, checked out, and made it back to the car by 8:51. And into my parking space at the apartment 8:53. Check out the timestamp on this blog.

I am a rock star.

**UPDATED TO ADD: It's now 9:22. The middle of my television show. The battery is almost dead in my laptop. Where is the cord to plug it in? At church. C'mon Daisy. Let's get our shoes back on.

Maybe I'm not a rock star.

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