So, Friday morning, I slept late and woke up for five hours of open road with a fully charged iPod and a canine companion. Ya'll, this is my most heavenly way to spend a day off. One of the beauties of this particular day is that I was about the only car on the road.
I'm clipping along at a lovely 70 miles per hour (+ or - 20 mph...mostly plus) and as I hit one particularly lonely stretch of West Texas highway, I see something in the road ahead. I thought it was a hurt dog in the road, but as I was moving speedily closer to him and pondering what the protocol is for a hurt dog in the road in the middle of nowhere, I discovered three things:
1. It was not a dog. It was a coyote. Possibly Wyl E. Coyote.
2. It was not hurt.
3. It was not going anywhere.
Seriously. The thing was not getting out of my way. So, I slow down to a COMPLETE STOP in the middle of nowhere on a highway in which I was previously pushing 90 mph. And stare at the coyote. And he stares back. In the middle of the road.
In all of my confusion as to why I was having a staring contest with a coyote in the middle of the road, I forgot to reach over into the passenger seat and get my camera to take a picture of the coyote who refused to move.
Eventually, I gave in to the coyote, who was clearly the better star-er in this contest. I drove on the shoulder to get around it, and finally got on my merry way. Oh, and you may wonder where my attack Shih Tzu was during all of this staring...she was sound asleep in the back seat. She never knew anything happened!
beep beep