Sunday, February 14, 2010

A list with a twist

I was going to put this up earlier, to get that awful insecurity post out of site. But then I took a nap.

It was the right thing to do.

Today wasn't so bad. I did have the unfortunate experience of sitting in front of the teenager at church that chose to yell out "Singles Awareness Day" when asked by the preacher what day it was. I'm pretty sure everyone thought it was me. Awesome.

In other relationship-esque news...
I got an email from The Aunt that was hysterical the other day. It listed what women look for in men, and then gave revised lists as the age got older. From the original list, things like handsome, listening, caring, etc. By 32, the list changed to things like 'owns at least one tie' and 'has enough money for a nice dinner'. As a 32 year old single girl, I can only say: True Dat. I've seen what's out there, and Brad-Pitt-good-looks is aiming a smidge high.

Just before I got that email, I read an article in Glamour (yes. I'm a trashy magazine reader/buyer. Two words: Guilty Pleasure) that was basically about rewriting your list to focus more on the relationship you're looking for instead of the man. It blew my mind because it made total sense.

See, I've had a little bit of a mental list, but I've never really looked at a guy in regards to that list, my age, single men are not a dime a dozen. It wasn't until I started looking twice at That Boy that I realized that he doesn't fit into my list. But I still liked him, and he was (is) a really quality guy. It made me question the things I really look for in a guy, and which ones are non-negotiable and which ones are up for discussion.

Then, I read said magazine article and realized I was going about it all wrong. The author gave her list, and it made so much sense to me. I began devising my own list and now I'm going to share it with you.

So, without further new list.
I want...
...our relationship centered around Christ. to laugh out loud daily, in the best of times and the worst of times. be attracted to him and he to me (even the times when I don't feel attractive). feel safe and feminine in his arms. feel secure and proud of him- socially and privately
...our lives to be filled with music and creativity. be intellectually stimulated when I'm with him.
...our life to be fun, despite the challenges that will come our way.

and most importantly... feel like he "gets" me.

If you know anyone who fits into this list and might want to have dinner and a movie as long as we both shall live... you know where to find me.

P.S. I'd like to get this taken care of before I get to the 62-year-old list that includes such things as 'doesn't scare small children' and 'remembers where he left his teeth'.

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