Thursday, July 01, 2010

I'm hungry, I'm bleeding money, and I'm surrounded by idiots.

Let's talk, k?

So, I'm not in a bad mood, or in a funk, or anything, but I should discuss what has left me a little... well, let's stick with 'impatient' shall we? Actually, if there were a patience scale right now, I'd score a solid negative number.

1. I am hungry, and lately, I've been depriving myself, but with good reason. I've been limiting my soda intake to one a day (with the exception of a diet, because there aren't any calories, so they don't count, right?). I've also limited myself to one away-from-home meal per day, of the fast food variety. So, when my YL girls were debating where to go for dinner, and throwing out delicious ideas like Jason's Deli, PeiWei, McAllister's, and Chili's, I want to go. But I can't. Because I said so. And I don't have 4.8 pounds to prove it.

2. I am bleeding money. I learned the hard way that if you don't pay your tolls, they charge you an administrative fee. Per toll. So you get a bill for roughly 83% more than you would have had to pay if you were just to pay the tolls the first time. Also, as I went to get my vehicle inspected (after I'd just shelled out the money for the registration), I discovered I needed my brake fluid changed, an apparently brake fluid is made from unicorn tears because it is that expensive. But I like my brakes, since they stop my car and all, so I had to shell it out because I could tell when I drove it that they weren't working right.

4. I am surrounded by idiots. Well, not surrounded per se, but I did have an interaction today that left me biting the sarcastic part of my tongue to avoid being mean. I am meeting with my YL girls every day this week, and we're using a lady's house who is out of town for the weekend. She's left us the key, and since I couldn't get there at the exact moment it started, I showed my co-leader where the key is. She called me today, and asked if I was on my way. I told her I was not, but would be soon, reminding her where the key was. Here's what she said:
"Okay, when I put it in the lock, which way do I turn it?"
Truly, I didn't have to bite my tongue yet, because I was a little confused as to what she was asking. What do you mean which way do you turn it? You turn it every which way but loose until the door opens.

Sure enough, when I arrived she was sitting in her car. She couldn't get the door unlocked. She was just waiting for me to do it. Yes, the key was a spare so it stuck tightly, but there's no magic in my fingers. I just jimmied with it until the door opened.

So, in summary, I'm sorry if I'm a little impatient with you right now.
I'm hungry.
I'm bleeding money.
I'm surrounded by idiots.

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