Saturday, July 03, 2010

Look at that face.

Look at that face.

That sweet, innocent, angelic face.

Look at it and DO.NOT.BE.FOOLED.

There is no innocence there. Just cunning and mischeif and tomfoolery.

Notice the ears are wet. The rest of her's pretty wet too.
No, she didn't get a bath. She will later. As punishment for the crime.

I decided that since I heard thunder, I was going to go grab dinner quickly before it rained. Too late.
So, the great flood came upon us, and after I got done thinking the sidewalk river was coming into my living room, I threw on galoshes and headed out to the Bell. The Taco Bell.

Apparently, Daisy was a little mad that she did not get to go to the Bell with me. She spent that time away from me planning and plotting and possibly scheming. She heard there was a rainy day par-tay going on outside and she wasn't going to miss it.

When I opened up the door she saw her opportunity and mumbled something that slightly resembled "suckaaaaa" as she sprinted out the door. She stopped briefly to look left and right like a cartoon, trying to decide which way to make a run for it. She chose left. And ran through three buildings.

And then she came back around for a victory lap. All the while as I was chasing her.

And I do use the term 'chasing' her losely. More like 'following her and cursing her existence both under and over my breath'. She frolicked in the rain. She frolicked in the puddles. She frolicked in the grass.

I grabbed a cheese stick (as an enticement), my keys (to trick her into believing we were going on a car ride), and her leash (in case I did manage to apprehend the little bugger).

Eventually, a car came round and scared her into standing still for a moment that allowed me to snatch her up, explain to her just what a naughty dog she had indeed been, and latch that leash onto her quickly.

So, look at that face but don't be fooled. There's no innocence there.

And she'd be sold on eBay if I didn't get to see this every day:

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