Saturday, July 24, 2010

The morning after

Before I go into the details of the Great Post-Camp Meltdown of 2010, let's talk about the morning after.

Last night, I went to bed at around 11:00.
I woke up this morning afternoon around 1:00-ish.

I have 13 hours of television to catch up on. That's the non-rerun tv, thanks to the new summer series. So, I got up, drove through McD's, since I'd clearly missed the breakfast serving hours and felt like something greasy, and then turned on the telly.

It's now 2-ish, and I should probably get up off the couch. I should probably go somewhere and get some non-moldy food for my fridge. I should probably finish the laundry and wash my sheets and clean my kitchen.

But then, Pride and Prejudice is on the television. A movie I've seen about a thousand and a half times.

And I sense my productivity is about to come to a screeching halt.
Or it would if I was doing anything productive.

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