Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take out your taser Chuck. If he takes another sip, hit him with all you got.

New show. Franklin and Bash. Love. 

Here's what my day looked like:
- VBS lesson plans (I heart making lesson plans.)
- Lunch at Chik-fil-a
- Afternoon of fun with KC and her babies.

Well done, Thursday. Well done.

Unfortunately, I'm still ridiculously unproductive, unless you count putting the stack of cd's in my car back onto my iTunes into their rightful playlists. Which, in the absence of papers to grade, makes up its own spot on my to-do list.

I also am in the works of redecorating my entire apartment (or just my living room, which is the actual truth.) I want to do one project, which requires me to rearrange about a gabillion other things. I'm only a little worried because it requires me to get a board and then attach it to something, and that may or may not require the use of power tools, which is something I'm not so good at. Well, not without proper supervision.

I also love the Geico commercials in which woodchucks chuck wood and a little piggy cries "wee wee wee" all the way home. I'm not alone. When the BFF's little man isn't staring lovingly at his secret girlfriend (Flo from the Progressive commercials), he is a fan as well.

Tomorrow, we'll discuss anonymous comments that should annoy me but don't, and how my dog seems to have met her out of pocket maximum and yet still insists on getting sick. It's a beauty of a story.

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