I'm going to rectify this situation by doing a 7 in 7. Seven days, seven posts. Just because I haven't been blogging doesn't mean that I haven't been living la vida loca. I just haven't been taking the time to write it down.
I'm going to start off slow, with where I'm at this early August. (And yes, this is post #1)
Outside my window... it is so.freaking.hot. We've had a mild summer so far, with a few days in July when we didn't get out of the 60's, and we are paying the price this week. It's time to go into hibernation mode for a week or so.
I am thinking... about my classroom and next year almost non-stop. I'm pretty concerned about getting my room ready for next year, and it's that point in the year when so much of it is on my mind that I dream about it at night.
I am thankful for... the last few relaxing days of summer and sleeping in a little bit and just some quiet resting time. And also playdates with friends.
From the kitchen... cupcakes and a mess. I've been making a concerted effort to cook more, as I can't continue eating out every meal, and with cooking comes dishes in the sink and stuff on the counters.
I am wearing... dresses and shorts and anything that is thin and breezy as it is sweltering outside. I'm also constantly carrying a cardigan, because when you dress for 100 degree heat, the 75 degree indoors gets a little chilly.
I am creating... my project life album, in which I did a big catch up session on Saturday. I'm also looking to finish and put together my Summer manifesto, and an iPhone photography project I did.
I am going... to babysit a couple of my fourth graders for two days next week, and I've already informed them that the mornings will be spent helping me put my classroom together, with the afternoons spent at the pool and at the movies. We're both pretty excited- me for the help and them for the fun of helping me get ready. They were made for this.
I am reading... The Summer We Read Gatsby by Danielle Ganek. It's a good, chick-lit kind of story. Nothing too taxing on the brain. I needed that after I read The Paris Wife and attempted to reread The Great Gatsby. I'm 2/3 the way through, and will probably finish tonight. I needed something to get me back into the habit of reading again. Next up? I have a long list to choose from.
I am hearing... my ESPN app go off nonstop with all of the dealings in MLB right now. And every time I run to check it out and see what's going on now.
Around the house... there are no longer plants inside. I had to bring them inside, and they all died. My living room is no longer a dead jungle.
One of my favorite things... sleeping late, getting up and spending some time watching GMA on the couch, and then having only one or two things to do for the whole day.
A few plans for the rest of the week... work, play, lunch meeting to discuss some inservice teaching, and two different pool playdates with friends. Last summer hurrahs.
A picture to share... me and the pup watching a little Saturday afternoon Rangers action on the bed- something we almost never do (watch tv from bed).
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